How to Handle His Snake Yumi Sin and Fit Kitty

How to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty – In the realm of League of Legends, Yumi Sin, the Magical Cat, stands as a formidable support champion. Alongside her feline companion, Fit Kitty, they form an enigmatic duo that can dominate the battlefield with their unique abilities and synergies.

Understanding how to handle this enigmatic pair is crucial for both Yumi players and those seeking to counter their feline prowess.

Understanding Yumi Sin’s Abilities

Yumi Sin, a hybrid marksman-assassin champion in League of Legends, possesses a unique and versatile kit that revolves around her passive ability, “Onslaught of Shadows,” and her three active abilities: “Binding Shadow,” “Tantrum,” and “Final Hour.” These abilities synergize seamlessly, allowing Yumi Sin to engage in relentless aggression and outplay her opponents.

Passive: Onslaught of Shadows

Yumi Sin’s passive ability grants her bonus attack speed and movement speed after landing an ability on an enemy champion. This bonus increases with each subsequent ability hit, stacking up to three times. The bonus attack speed allows Yumi Sin to deal consistent damage in short trades, while the movement speed boost helps her reposition or pursue enemies effectively.

W: Binding Shadow

Binding Shadow is a skillshot ability that fires a shadow projectile towards a target location. If it hits an enemy champion, it roots them in place for a short duration. The root duration increases with the number of stacks of Onslaught of Shadows, making it a potent crowd control tool when combined with her other abilities.

E: Tantrum

Tantrum is a dash ability that allows Yumi Sin to leap towards a target enemy champion, dealing damage and knocking them back. The knockback distance increases with the number of stacks of Onslaught of Shadows, providing Yumi Sin with excellent engage and disengage potential.

Additionally, Tantrum can be used to reposition herself during fights or to follow up on her Binding Shadow.

R: Final Hour

Final Hour is Yumi Sin’s ultimate ability, which grants her a significant burst of damage and mobility. When activated, Yumi Sin enters a state of heightened aggression, gaining increased attack damage, movement speed, and critical strike chance. During Final Hour, her auto-attacks become unblockable, allowing her to deal devastating damage to enemy champions caught in her path.

Positioning and Movement

Positioning is crucial for Yumi to maximize her impact in lane and team fights. As a ranged support, she excels at poking and harassing from a safe distance.

In lane, position yourself slightly behind your ADC to avoid taking unnecessary damage. Use your auto attacks to harass the enemy ADC while staying out of their range. When the enemy support engages, use your E to reposition or escape.

Escaping with E

Yumi’s E, Prowling Projectile, is a versatile ability that can be used for both repositioning and escaping. By attaching to an ally, Yumi becomes untargetable and can move with them. This allows her to dodge skill shots, escape ganks, or chase down enemies.


Optimizing Yumi’s build path is crucial to maximizing her effectiveness on the Rift. Core items enhance her abilities, while situational choices adapt to the game’s dynamics.

Core Items

  • Moonstone Renewer:Provides Yumi with mythic passive, ability haste, and heals/shields allies based on her ability power.
  • Staff of Flowing Water:Increases Yumi’s healing and shielding power, granting her bonus damage when allies are nearby.
  • Redemption:Offers active healing for allies, mana regeneration, and bonus ability power.

Situational Choices

  • Shurelya’s Battlesong:Grants Yumi and nearby allies movement speed and ability haste.
  • Locket of the Iron Solari:Provides a shield for nearby allies, absorbing incoming damage.
  • Mikael’s Crucible:Removes crowd control effects from an ally and grants them a brief heal.

Itemization decisions should be made based on team composition, enemy threats, and the overall game plan. Yumi’s core items establish her healing and support capabilities, while situational choices enhance her utility and adaptability.

Attaching to Allies

Effective attachment to allies is crucial for Yumi Sin’s success. Proper positioning and target selection ensure optimal damage output and survivability.

When choosing an ally to attach to, consider their mobility, range, and the presence of enemy threats. Melee allies with high mobility, such as assassins or bruisers, can benefit greatly from Yumi’s burst damage and peel potential. Ranged allies with long range, such as mages or marksmen, allow Yumi to safely harass and deal damage from a distance.

Target Prioritization

  • Prioritize allies who can engage on multiple targets or disrupt enemy formations, maximizing Yumi’s damage potential.
  • Attach to allies with crowd control abilities, allowing Yumi to follow up with her own crowd control or damage.
  • Avoid attaching to allies who are likely to be focused by the enemy team, as this can put Yumi in danger.

Ult Usage

Yumi’s ultimate ability, Final Chapter, is a powerful tool that can turn the tide of a battle in her favor. When activated, Yumi and her current ally become invulnerable and gain increased movement speed for a short duration. Additionally, Yumi’s basic attacks deal bonus magic damage and slow enemies.

The ultimate also allows Yumi to teleport to her ally, making it an excellent tool for escaping or engaging in combat.

The best time to use Yumi’s ultimate is when her ally is in danger or when she needs to engage on an enemy team. The invulnerability and increased movement speed can help her ally survive a burst of damage or escape from a sticky situation.

The bonus magic damage and slow from her basic attacks can also help her team secure a kill or force the enemy team to retreat.

Mechanics and Effects

When Yumi activates her ultimate, she and her current ally become invulnerable for 1.5 seconds. They also gain a 30% bonus movement speed for the duration of the ultimate. Additionally, Yumi’s basic attacks deal bonus magic damage equal to 10% of her target’s maximum health and slow them by 30% for 1 second.

Yumi can also use her ultimate to teleport to her ally by clicking on them. This can be used to escape from danger, engage on an enemy team, or simply reposition herself in a fight.


Yumi Sin excels in matchups where she can attach to an ally with high burst damage or mobility. Her ability to amplify their damage and mobility makes her a formidable support in these scenarios. However, she struggles against champions with crowd control abilities or who can easily disengage from her.

Strengths and Weaknesses


  • Amplifies damage and mobility of attached allies
  • Provides vision and scouting with her W
  • Can heal and shield allies with her E
  • Can reposition allies with her ultimate


For those interested in learning how to handle their snakes, Yumi Sin and Fit Kitty have created a comprehensive guide available on the Pima Mecconline website. Additionally, the Los Angeles Mecconline and Oakland Mecconline websites also feature the guide. For those in the Cuyahoga area, the Cuyahoga Mecconline website offers access to the guide as well.

  • Vulnerable to crowd control
  • Relies on her attached ally to deal damage
  • Can be easily disengaged from

Specific Matchups

Strong Matchups:

  • -*Draven

    Yumi’s ability to amplify Draven’s damage and mobility makes her an excellent support for him.

  • -*Lucian

    Lucian’s high burst damage and mobility synergize well with Yumi’s abilities.

  • -*Zed

    Yumi can help Zed reposition himself and deal additional damage with her ultimate.

Weak Matchups:

  • -*Morgana

    Morgana’s crowd control abilities can easily disrupt Yumi’s attachment.

  • -*Thresh

    Thresh’s hook and lantern can easily disengage Yumi from her allies.

  • -*Blitzcrank

    If you are seeking information about the Duval Mecconline organization, their website provides a wealth of resources. The site offers a platform for community engagement, local news, and upcoming events.

    Blitzcrank’s grab can easily pull Yumi out of her attachment.

Team Compositions

Yumi can fit into various team compositions, offering unique utility and support capabilities.Yumi excels in compositions that prioritize team fights and sustained damage. She synergizes well with champions who can provide reliable crowd control, such as Morgana or Ashe, allowing her to easily attach and amplify their abilities.

Sustain and Healing

Yumi pairs well with champions who rely on sustained damage and healing, such as Vladimir or Kayle. Her ability to attach and provide additional healing and attack speed can significantly enhance their survivability and damage output.

Dive Compositions

In dive compositions, Yumi can be a valuable asset to champions like Hecarim or Camille. By attaching to these champions, she can provide them with increased mobility and damage, enabling them to engage and burst down enemy carries.


While Yumi offers strong synergies with many champions, she also faces certain challenges. Her reliance on attaching to allies makes her vulnerable to crowd control and burst damage. Additionally, her lack of mobility can make her susceptible to ganks and rotations.

Synergies with Fit Kitty

Fit Kitty’s abilities complement Yumi Sin’s playstyle, providing additional crowd control and mobility.

Fit Kitty’s [Skill 1]allows her to attach to an ally, granting them increased movement speed and attack speed. This synergizes well with Yumi’s [Skill 2], which increases her attached ally’s damage output.

Attaching to Allies

  • Prioritize attaching to allies who can benefit from the bonus movement and attack speed, such as melee carries or assassins.
  • Use Fit Kitty’s [Skill 1]to initiate team fights or ganks, allowing your team to close the distance quickly.
  • Communicate with your team to coordinate attachments and maximize the benefits of the synergy.

Counters and Weaknesses

Despite Yumi’s versatility, she is not without her weaknesses. Her reliance on allies makes her vulnerable to champions who can disrupt or burst her down. Her lack of mobility also limits her escape options, and she can struggle against champions with crowd control or high burst damage.


Champions that counter Yumi include:

  • Champions with crowd control:These champions can lock down Yumi and prevent her from attaching to allies or casting spells.
  • Champions with high burst damage:These champions can quickly burst down Yumi before she can react or attach to an ally.
  • Champions with mobility:These champions can easily chase down Yumi or escape her attacks.

Weaknesses, How to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty

Yumi’s weaknesses include:

  • Reliance on allies:Yumi is extremely dependent on her allies to survive and deal damage.
  • Lack of mobility:Yumi is a very slow champion and has no reliable escape mechanisms.
  • Vulnerable to burst damage:Yumi has a very low base health and armor, making her vulnerable to burst damage.


Mastering Yumi and Fit Kitty requires a comprehensive understanding of their abilities, positioning, itemization, and team compositions. By embracing their strengths and mitigating their weaknesses, players can harness the full potential of this dynamic duo and leave an indelible mark on the Summoner’s Rift.

Common Queries: How To Handle His Snake Yumi Sin And Fit Kitty

What is Yumi Sin’s ultimate ability?

Yumi’s ultimate, Final Chapter, unleashes a wave of piercing arrows that deal magic damage to enemies and grant her bonus movement speed.

How can I effectively attach to allies as Yumi?

To attach to an ally, simply click on their champion portrait or use the ‘W’ key. Choose targets who can benefit from Yumi’s healing and damage amplification.

What are some good item choices for Yumi?

Core items for Yumi include Moonstone Renewer, Ardent Censer, and Staff of Flowing Water. Situational choices may include Athene’s Unholy Grail, Redemption, or Mikael’s Blessing.

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About the Author: Jason